Serving the San Francisco Bay Area and Lake Tahoe

Fringe Future...
I’ve got some big news. If you make it to the end of this post, my sincere thanks for indulging me:
I’ve always had a personal connection to Tahoe and a long-term plan to get a place there, where I can design weddings against all the beautiful backdrops, while continuing to design weddings and events in all my favorite places right here.
The pandemic accelerated this long-term plan. During this time, a lot has been going on behind the scenes that I can now bring to light.
Over the last year, the shutdown along with the lighter work schedule, afforded me time to (safely) wander, visit, and secure a place, along with contacts and business in Tahoe. It also booked up our weddings/events calendars over the next few years here, as couples were forced to delay their unions over the last year and half. Lately, we’ve been so busy with these events, it has required us at times to temporarily close our shop to browsing and daily deliveries.
The retail shop has been the foundation of these bookings and the long-term plan. It introduced Fringe to the community, and allowed my team and I to be creative, design, expose our art to everyone, and build a portfolio of beauty as well as some very special friendships. Over the years, it secured us a following of references and trust, along with enough event bookings to keep us very busy for some time.
So with both excitement and a bit of sadness, I’ve decided to transition Fringe to an events studio, to include weddings, corporate business, workshops, garden talks, and occasional holiday pop-ups. This means we will no longer offer retail shopping or daily deliveries.
This decision allows us to focus our energy on these upcoming events, and it also grants us more personal time to do the things we’ve been missing out on: wandering, traveling, spending time with our families, gardening, volunteering for causes and people we believe in… important things the pandemic brought to light if there was any good that came from it. And, with our lease coming up, we now have the opportunity to choose the path to our future.
Though we are excited about this future, the reality of it is actually tougher than I expected. I love my retail shop and all the people associated with it with all of my heart. So to dismantle it and say good-bye, hurts my heart deeply. It is truly beautiful.
Over the years, my shop became a place of community, of gathering, of creativity, but also of solace, of silence when needed. There have been endless laughs, and occasional tears.
It was built and designed by myself and a very talented group of friends that are dear to me - people who are true artisans with big ideas - by those that I love, trust, and admire, by people that have taught me so much and who have become family. I couldn’t have asked for a better team to work with and luckily I will continue to work with them in this next chapter.
The support I’ve received from my team is unprecedented. Every single person has been solid, dependable, and completed every job with a sense of humor. I’ve never laughed so much. Even better, they all can bust a move!
One of my fave people stood by me through thick and thin - always dependable and willing to be there, she also made the BEST popcorn and brought candy to long work nights.
My slightly awkward but darling first-hire, turned into a beautiful butterfly, flitting across the world to make the Earth a better place.
One of my first brides became part of the team and a forever buddy, and miraculously welcomed two little team fringittes into the world!
I’ve had old friends come back into my life and become a part of the team, and I’ve made new friends that will remain in my life forever.
I will miss the sweetest, most dependable delivery drivers in all the land. Every one of them taught me something, whether it was the quickest route to a destination, the secret to getting into a super secure office building, surfing tips, or style secrets! I’ve watched them move on to college, or visit places I would love to go.
One in particular was with me the entire ride….. @bruceburrows, your generosity is endless. The knowledge, efficiency, dedication, love, and snacks you provided all these years makes my heart burst.
Though I will still see them, I will miss 2x/week visits to my vendors/farmers who are passionate about the products they sell. I’ve looked forward to the visits to the markets where I walk in, and what I like is already waiting for me….even if I didn’t know I liked it!
Then there are the customers - I’ve met so many that are now true friends.
I will miss my “regulars” – some who quietly but faithfully show up every month, or those who burst in with wine and swear like sailors. Also, those where I can see your face through the door, nod to you, and know exactly what you want and when you want it as you walk off to work.
People that I’ve worked with and for are imprinted in my heart and soul forever. Their stories permanently impacted me and are a part of Fringe history. The connections I’ve made are solid, and genuine.
I have learned so much from working in this little shop. I’ve learned to appreciate the little wins and to let go of certain things (sort of). I’ve learned to be more open minded when it comes to design, creativity, and wild ideas. I’ve learned there’s beauty in the most simple things. I’ve learned that I can do more that I thought I could. I’ve learned that getting from point A to point B is a different path for everyone, but as long as you end up in the same place, you’ve learned something from others and you celebrate it together!
This shop has been quite a ride!
I will miss my little cozy space, a space of safety, friendship, celebration and sometimes, a space of secrets. There were long days of hard work and design, as well as late night dance parties equipped with strobe light, and it hosted numerous #fringeoutfronts TM : )
The future is bright, and I’ve always believed dreams and goals are meant to be chased, and that change is imperative, inevitable, enlightening, and rewarding. So with this in mind, I see moving on from my shop as the catalyst to a bright future with all the friends I’ve made along the way.
Lisa, Eva, Britt, Laura, Elizabeth, Yoli, Dana, Bruce, Alex, Scott, Troy, #frostfarms and 1489 Newell, thank you for making this shop a home. I could not have done this without you, and I would not be heading in this new direction without you. You’ve all enriched my life in a way you’ll never know! Now, let’s continue this next adventure together! See ya’ll on the flip side!